2014 Application Notices for Confucius Institute Scholarship Of Hunan University
1. Scholarship of 2013 are one-yearScholarship and one-term Scholarship.
2. Applicants must be non-Chinese andhealthy.
3. Permitted Age range: 18 to 35 years old.Chinese teachers can be extended to 45 years old.
4. One-year Scholarship applicants shouldachieve a score of at least 180 on the HSK (level 3) and at least 60 on theHSKK (elementary level), or complete their study at a Confucius Institute forover 120 hours.
5. One-semester Scholarship Applicantsshould achieve a score of at least 120 on the HSK (level 2) and at least 40 onthe HSKK (elementary level), or complete their study at a Confucius Institute forover 60 hours.
Applicants must submit their documentsaccording to the following instructions (all in duplicate):
a. Application form for Confucius InstituteScholarship: log on to the Confucius Institute Scholarship website athttp://cis.chinese.cn, download and fill in and submit the form《孔子学院奖学金申请表》(ConfuciusInstitute Scholarship Application Form); submit online,then print it and sendto Hunan University along with the other application materials.
b. Photocopy of passport photo page;
c. Application statement: includeapplicants’ Chinese learning background and study plan in China. It should beno less than 800 words. Print and sign it in Chinese or English.
d. Chinese proficiency certificates: a copyof the HSK、HSKK certificate and results or other Chinese learning and educationcertificate;
e. Diploma and transcripts: to be issueddirectly by the educational administration office of the school/university,with an official stamp. Documents in languages other than Chinese or Englishmust be accompanied by notarized translations in Chinese or English.
f. Reference Letter: Applicants arerequired to submit two letters of recommendation in Chinese or English byprofessors or associate professors. President’s recommendation letter isextrally needed if there is no confucius institute in applicant’s country(forstudents majored in Chinese).
g. Chinese Teachers must provide thecertificate of teaching duration and number of classes lectured.
h. Copies of Awards or Scholarship Copy ofCHINESE BRIDGE Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign College/MiddleSchool Students and Recommendation Letter by Education or Culture Office ofChinese Embassy/ Consulate. Winners of the specific country should provideAward Certificate and Recommendation Letter by the Hosting Organization
i. Photocopy of Foreigner PhysicalExamination Form (The original copy should be kept by the applicant. The blank formcan be required from lxhuda@gmail.com). The form is filled in English. Themedical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner PhysicalExamination Form. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attendingphysician, the official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicantsare invalid. Please select the appropriate time to take medical examination asit is valid for only 6 months.
j. The above documents should be forwardedto Hunan University by April 30th, 2014
When the documents are ready, we areprepared to receive the documents from you.
We need two sets of documents:
One set of originals
One set of copies
Please pay attention all the documents willNOT be returned.
The application documents please send to:
Xie Jun
Office of International Cooperation andExchange,
Hunan University,Changsha, Hunan Province,
P.R.CHINA 410082
Tel : +86-731-88823973
Or directly bring the documents to OverseasStudents Office, Hunan University,(North Campus)
Tel: +86-731-88823130
Report to Hunan University according to the regulation. Any delaywithout reporting to Hunan
University and permission from the University. Scholarship will becancelled.
Fail to pass Entrance Health Examination, Scholarship will be cancelled.
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