HNU, University of Bremen Focus on Visual-based Perception and Control
A China-Germany symposium themed “Frontier in Vision-based Perception and Control” was convened at Bremen, Germany, from Nov. 30 to Dec. 5, 2015.
It was co-organized by Hunan University (HNU) and the University of Bremen, and sponsored by the Chinesisch-Deutschen Zentrum für Wissenschaftsf?rderung (CDZ) which was co-established by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation). The symposium mainly focused on the frontier research in visual-based perception and control and its innovative applications in robot, medical diagnosis and adjuvant therapy, and process automation.
27 professors from prominent universities and research institutes attended
the event and delivered academic lectures, including the University of Bremen,
University of Stuttgart, University of Hamburg, Keele University, University of
Münster, German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence, German Cancer
Research Center, Fraunhofer Institute for Medical Image Computing, Hunan
University, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), Tsinghua University, Dalian
University of Technology and Central South University.
CDZ Director
Prof. Lu Rongkai, Director of the International Cooperation Office of the
University of Bremen Prof. Lang, and Prof. Sun Wei and Prof. Wang Yaonan,
respectively dean of HNU Research Institute of Educational Science and HNU
College of Electrical and Information Engieering attended the symposium and
discussed about multi-channel cooperation in scientific research.
University of Bremen, one of the universities of the Excellence Initiative (German Exzellenzinitiative), has kept cooperation with HNU for long. The first cooperation between the two universities was in 2001 for a FP5 project, led by Prof. Horst Selzer from the BIBA Institute and Prof. Wang Yaonan from HNU. This symposium as another cooperation will help to enhance HNU’s international influence, provide an international platform for HNU’s construction of State Engineering Laboratory of Robot Visual-based Perception and Control Technology, and furthermore, and facilitate future international cooperation.